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  3. Safer & greener – Rem Commanders transformation
mann i refleksvest og hjelm foran et stort skip i dokk

Project Manager Olav Tveit in front of the ship in dry dock. – Collaboration with the customer is crucial for projects like these. It has been a great project for us, with mutual understanding and adjustments along the way, says Tveit.


Safer & greener – Rem Commanders transformation

The biggest project at the shipyard this summer is the impressive PSV ship from Rem Offshore AS, which has undergone a full makeover. The ship is now running on a hybrid system.

– We have many different areas of expertise at GMC. All of these contributed across the project with great results. The project took place in July, and people have worked hard to deliver the best possible outcome, says Olav Tveit, Project Manager at GMC Yard AS.

The project team and the customer have collaborated closely throughout the entire project. Good communication is crucial in demanding projects like this.

– I have been at GMC several times and have always experienced good cooperation. I would say that the collaboration at GMC seems even better this time, says Steinar Steinsøy, captain on board the Rem Commander.

Safer & greener

The improvements to the ship – both interior and exterior – make it overall safer and result in lower environmental emissions.

– We have installed a Vard battery container and laid over 7 000 meters of cable, in addition to steel work, electrical work, and the installation of a cooling system,” says Olav Tveit.

elektrisk system inne i en hybrid battery container

Close dialogue with the crew, here at the regular morning meeting to review the work being carried out on the ship. From left: Olav Tveit (Project Manager) and Miroslaw Pawelczyk (Foreman, Steel).

The ship can now operate in hybrid mode, with a battery container installed on deck to manage varying loads. The new SCR exhaust cleaning system reduces emissions from all four main engines (MEs).

Safety on board has also been improved with a new Davit and DACON system. These ensure safe and efficient launching and retrieval of lifeboats on board. Time is crucial in the event of an emergency.

Pipe systems on tanks and cargo systems have been rebuilt and updated. Thrusters and propellers have undergone a thorough overhaul.

elektrisk system inne i en hybrid battery container

Hybrid battery container installed on board. This allows the Rem Commander to now operate in hybrid mode.


In its new look and profile—transitioning from red to navy blue—the Rem Commander sets sail in its updated guise.

– We thank Rem Offshore AS for their trust. Consider it done,’ concludes the project manager.

For Captain Steinar Steinsøy and the crew on board, the course is set towards the Norwegian sector in the North Sea.

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stort skip med stillas rundt som ligger i en dokk


On board KNM “Maud”

Det største skipet i Sjøforsvarets flåte ligger nå i dokk hos GMC Yard i Stavanger. Bli med om bord.