GMC is committed to HSEQ in all our activities. Based on our core values, we take care of you either as a client, employee, or subcontractor.

GMC’s quality policy is to carry out the job on deadline, effectively and correct the first time, thus giving the customer a positive experience. Our actions to achieve this in a systematical way, is a.o. the Quality Management System, ISO 9001 (GMS).
By complying with laws, regulations and GMC, and through relentless work on all organizational levels, we achieve quality and efficiency. In addition, we achieve motivated and engaged employees, we highlight our competent personnel, and we ensure that quality is followed up in a clear line responsibility where the individual employees know their role.
GMC should always show loyalty and honesty, as well as realism and a high standard of business ethics.
GMC is committed to a vision that all incidents and accidents can be avoided, wherever we operate. We will provide a safe and secure working environment for all personnel, which means preventing all accidents and incidents related to people, the environment and material. We have installed a line responsibility throughout the organisation to achieve this.
HSEQ in Line Management
Among our measures is to follow ISO 45001 management systems of occupational health and safety. We have defined health, safety and environment as a line responsibility. The line management shall ensure that all identified risks and hazards are reduced to a minimal and acceptable level.
HSE Training for all
All new staff receive necessary HSE training. This enables us to dedicate all employees with an independent responsibility to occupational health and safety, as well as a responsibility to stop any unsafe activity/operation. The management team is committed to perform continuous improvement, and we look at the cooperation with employees, owners, customers, authorities, local environment and interest organization as an opportunity to make us better.
GMC is an environmentally conscious company, and is a driving force for safeguarding the environment. GMC is committed to ensure that its activities shall have a minimal impact upon the environment, by means of a.o. reducing waste production. In order to achieve this, we apply ISO 14001 environmental management systems.
GMC is committed to adhere to laws and regulations intended to protect the environment. In addition, we will always assess, prevent and control the aspects and impacts of our operations upon the environment. We include environmental impact in the project risk assessments, and employees and contracts carry an individual responsibility to secure that GMC achieves its environmental goals.
GMCs respects and cooperates with our employees to promote professional and personal growth. We have a positive and inclusive working environment regardless of gender, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age or political point of view.
GMC shall ensure workers’ rights, including employee freedom of organization and right to collective bargaining. We promote the welfare of our employees and follow the principles of an independent support service to diminish any addiction problems.