ESG and sustainability
Our mission is reducing the negative environmental footprint in our operations. At GMC, we strive for a safe and secure work environment, taking responsibility for our own business and our supply chain.

In GMC, we have defined focus areas within environmental, social, and governance challenges (ESG).
ESG refers to criteria used to assess sustainable and responsible business practices and investments. Read more about our focus areas below.

We work to reduce the environmental footprint in our own operations
We continuously work to identify and implement energy-saving measures in our own operations.
We maintain a conscious approach to waste management and source separation throughout the entire value chain.
We strive to minimize emissions into the sea, air, and soil.

We care about our employees
In GMC we have a safe and secure work environment, with an open culture and a low threshold for speaking up.
GMC is an employer with a long-term perspective, focusing on the development and well-being of our employees.
We treat each other with equality and respect, actively fostering a positive work environment.

We take responsibility for our own business and supply chain
We consistently adhere to laws, regulations, and standards at all times.
We abide by internal ethical guidelines.
We actively monitor our suppliers and impose requirements for ethical conduct and social responsibility.

The Norwegian Transparency Act
The Norwegian Transparency Act is a human rights law for the business sector. Through a commitment to transparency and accountability, GMC aims to contribute to creating a safe workplace – both for its own employees and for business partners and supply chains.
Read the report on the Transparency Act for the GMC industrial group (in Norwegian).
Read the report on the Transparency Act for GMC Capital (in Norwegian).
United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
All the Sustainable Development Goals are important. In GMC, we have chosen to prioritize three goals in particular:
Mål #8 Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Mål #9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Mål #12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.