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  3. New refrigeration solutions is more energy efficient
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Kristian Gjertsen, Operations Manager in GMC HVAC AS, recommends an upgrade to new refrigeration systems. Which is great for the environment, and also more cost-effective on the long run.

New Refrigeration Solutions is more Energy Efficient

When installing new refrigeration and cooling systems, you minimize the risk of F-gas emissions that may occur if there are leaks in the equipment. Additionally, you get a more energy-efficient and cost-effective project.

– Many of the cooling systems on the Norwegian continental shelf can be improved. The systems installed earlier were not designed with energy efficiency and optimal resource utilization in mind.

Kristian Gjertsen is Operations Manager at GMC HVAC. Along with the project managers, Gjertsen make efficient solutions for customers within the energy sector.

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GMC HVAC’s refrigeration department offers services such as maintenance, modification, and installation of new systems. Read more about GMC HVAC.

Reduces the environmental footprint

For our customers, upgrading existing systems or installing new ones means both a reduction in the company’s environmental footprint and significant savings in operating costs,” says Gjertsen.

The facilities installed in the past were not designed with energy efficiency and optimal resource utilization in mind.

Kristian Gjertsen

Operations Manager, GMC HVAC

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Recommends today’s systems.

– In addition to the fact that older systems were not designed for energy efficiency, outdated systems pose a risk of greenhouse gas emissions due to leaks. Today’s systems are designed and developed to deliver maximum capacity with minimal power consumption. The focus is on reusing the energy within the system,” says Gjertsen.

But, upgrading existing systems is an opportunity.

Mange personer på rekke i en verkstedhall

Refrigeration technician Fredrik Solem is currently engaged in the renovation and reinforcement of the system. Components are being replaced, and existing equipment is being improved by switching to a more environmentally friendly refrigerant gas.

– Older systems can have their lifespan extended through renovations and reinforcement. In such cases, we prioritize straightforward solutions that can lead to reduced power consumption and improved operational stability. Such a solution could involve installing a new and more efficient refrigeration compressor with a variable frequency drive, or adding a variable frequency drive to a fan or pump.

Adaptations requiring minimal modifications include switching to a more environmentally friendly refrigerant.

Kristian Gjertsen concludes:

However, older systems still have a significantly larger carbon footprint. For customers with climate goals, the installation of new refrigeration systems is a straightforward adjustment with a substantial impact.

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